Saturday, August 7, 2010

Our Big News!!

The last two and a half years have been a struggle with trying to get pregnant. Going through numerous tests and procedures, it seemed like that blessing would never arrive. Eventually, I went through a couple of tests that found some issues that could be the source of the difficulties, and was scheduled for surgery to fix them. A week before the surgery I realized that I was late for my period and decided to take a pregnancy test, and to my surprise - I found out I am pregnant!!!!

We are very grateful for this blessing that has come into our lives. I am currently 16 weeks along and enjoying every minute of this process.


Sean and Melissa said...

Congratulations Ashley! How exciting!

Levi and Amanda said...

We're so excited for you guys!! Congratulations! xoxo

McDougal Family said...

Yay!!!! Even though I already have known for a while, I am STILL SO EXCITED for you guys!!! Love you lots and hope that everything is going well!

Amanda said...

YAY!!!! I am so excited for you! CONGRATULATIONS! So excited to hear all the up coming updates!

Amy (Jones) & Lance Engberson Family said...

CONGRATS!!! You are going to be an AMAZING mom! i can't wait to hear more updates!

Elizabeth Reid said...

I know I already told you this in person a few weeks ago, but Congratulations! I am so excited for you two! You are going to be an awesome mom.

Kristyn Elise said...

Congrats Ashley!!!!

Lisa said...

I am so excited for you guys!! This is such great news!